
Sunday, December 4, 2011

Events that Create Approachable Opportunities: Organized Group Discussions

A great way to meet other people is to attend organized group discussions or host one yourself.

I’ve planned a couple of my own that cover topics such as the following: "Who Should Pursue Who?" "How to get over your Shyness" "Should Singles Adopt?" "What Women/Men Want" "How to Know When Someone is Not into You" "Biblical Sexuality as it Relates to Singles" "Should You Marry due to Burning with Passion?" & "How to get over your Ex?" Coming up I have organized another group discussion talking about "Love Languages." Check out this link for more information about how to attend. Recently I organized a group discussion talking about "Love Languages." Check out this link summarizing the topic. 

Recently I attended one that was organized by someone else. His topic was on "Inter-racial Dating." This was an interesting discussion that brought about deeper issues other than just simple the answer of yes or no to the question would you. I would love to tell you more about the discussion (click here to read more); however, this post is about the benefits of attending organized group discussions.

Why Should You Attend Organized Group Discussions?
  • You get to meet new people: Friends usually bring friends with them and in such cases there may bring a friend there that you might not have met before. In addition, if you come with a friend this could be a person that someone else might not know. With this action, it is a good chance that there will be someone (or more) there that you may not have met before.
  • You get to know people: Not only do you meet new people, you get the opportunity to talk with them in a group setting and ask them (or indirectly ask them by asking the group) questions. In addition, you get to listen to how others view the topic at hand. If you're dating this is a good environment to hear your boy/girlfriend's viewpoint on different topics and how they interact with others in group situations.
  • You get to overcome your shyness: If your shy, you tend to shy away from group discussions; however, I would recommend that you participate in them for by intentionally participating in the discussion, doing so will help to increase your confidence.
  • Creates Approachable Opportunities: Usually after the group discussions there are refreshments. The refreshment table is a great opportunity to approach someone who through the group discussion you identified as someone you would like to make a connection with (dating wise, business wise or friendship wise). The refreshment table is the additional time you have to take the opportunity to get to know this person one on one. What's great about discussion groups that are regular meetings is that you can take the risk of waiting until the next group discussion to exchange numbers so that there is no pressure while talking at the refreshment table. Just make sure you indicate that you enjoyed their conversation and look forward to seeing them again at the next group discussion.
So the next time you hear about a group discussion, don't hesitate to attend one. If you don't usually hear about them, organize one yourself. All you need to do is have a topic, have yourself or someone you know facilitate the discussion, choose a comfortable venue such as your living room, have refreshments and last but not least invite your friends and tell your friends to bring a friend. To encourage equal amount of guys and girls tell your friends to invite their opposite sex friend. So ladies will bring a male friend and men will bring a female friend. Or you can just invite equal males and females yourself. Having an equal male/female ratio gives an even balance of opinions on the topics at hand.

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